August 5, 2018 Comments Off

I’ve been blessed to travel to England at least ten times, and that doesn’t count the little stopovers for a day or two while going somewhere else.  I studied English Literature at the

October 31, 2016 Comments Off

Ghouls, ghosts, and witches, warlocks, and spooks of all kinds. These, along with every sort of Disney princess and comic book hero, seem to be the common theme of the average Halloween celebrations

March 9, 2016 Comments Off

By Jared Tomlinson Gregorian chant. Byzantine iconography. Gothic architecture. Renaissance polyphony. The Inklings. For most of the past two millennia, Christians have been at the forefront of the world’s aesthetic life. And then the

December 21, 2015 Comments Off

By the Rev'd Dr. Derrick Hassert Lex orandi, lex credendi. The law of prayer is the law of belief. This is a hallmark of classical Anglican Christianity. It oftentimes seems that Anglicans cling

December 16, 2015 Comments Off

By the Rev'd Dr. Charles Erlandson Advent is God’s cosmic alarm clock. Since we humans are creatures bound by time and we will have calendars, we will observe hours and days and times

November 29, 2015 Comments Off

Advent as the Little Lent Step into an Anglican church this time of year and you will most likely find a profusion of purple—purple banners, purple Bible markers, purple vestments. More than just

November 25, 2015 Comments Off

There’s an old joke that identifies the favorite holiday movie of agnostics as a heart-warming story called “Coincidence on 34th Street.” I don’t know if radical skeptics wrestle with the problem of goodness

July 1, 2015 Comments Off

A REPORT FROM GERMANY WITH THE ST. ANDREW'S ACADEMY CHOIR Yesterday, as of this writing, the St. Andrew’s travelers went to Buchenwald, the first major death camp of the Nazis to be liberated

June 17, 2015 Comments Off

The entire education of the younger generation of theologians belongs today in church cloister schools, in which pure doctrine, the Sermon on the Mount and worship are taken seriously (1934, letter to Erwin

June 10, 2015 Comments Off

“Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.” —Traditional Saying Human babies are not like most animals

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