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College Academics



Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts –

The St. Andrew’s College Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts with an emphasis in Great Books is a serious dive into the Great Books of the Western canon. Grounded in Literature and History, students cover the story of the world and the great stories of the world from the western perspective.  As Matthew Arnold put it, our students will read and study the “the best that has been thought and said.” 


St. Andrew’s runs on a trimester system. The program of study includes a continuous study of great literature and the history of Western Civilization throughout the four years. Three Classical Rhetoric classes will make sure you know how to communicate verbally and through the written word. Natural Theology classes cover the created world of Math and Science. The created world is also discussed at length in classes exploring beauty. Theology classes include the basics of the faith though higher level doctrine.


The ethos of the Anglican liturgical and musical tradition is the context for study at St. Andrew’s College. All students participate in choir and in sung daily prayer. Music has always been at the heart of St. Andrew’s. Classes in music include Music History and Appreciation and Choir. The St. Andrew’s Choir has performed all over the world and the US. 


No classical education is complete without language training. Latin and Greek are taken all four years at St. Andrew’s. Advanced students will be regularly translating classical texts in both languages with a comfort level that might surprise many.


Our students will read and study "the best that has been thought and said." ~ Matthew Arnold


looking forward to fall of 2023 –

We are currently accepting applications for Fall of 2023. We expect students will want to get to know St. Andrew’s. Please reach out and talk with Emmalie, our Directress of Admission, who is a college student herself. We also encourage you to review our one or more of the Summer Dialogues and Discussions to help give you a feel for what we’re about.  You don’t want to miss the opportunity to be a part of the 2023 inaugural cohort in the first Anglican College in America in well over 100 years!


To apply, download the application in the button below, fill out, and send back to us with required items.

lake and mountain view of Almanor, CA


College education has become an extremely expensive option for most young people today. Being burdened by debt so large that a new car or a new house is unthinkable is an unwise start to a young life. What is the real value in an education that costs so much? Further, so many colleges no longer provide a transformative education for the tens of thousands of dollars they are charging.


St. Andrew’s College is committed to keep an education affordable. There are, of course, costs, but St. Andrew’s seeks to avoid the games played in the current higher education world regarding costs.

Tuition: $12,000 a year

Room & Board: $4,500

Total basic costs for a year of St. Andrew’s College education:  $16,500.


There is a cost for books and for an academic gown and for a hamburger once in a while, but a cautious student can keep costs down.

A great education has not been this affordable in many years in America!

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