September 30, 2015 Comments Off

Scripture puts the “outward, objective, historical view of the Gospel…before every other.” M. F. Sadler, Church Doctrine—Bible Truth Imagine a group of believers coming together to write up the ideal presentation of the

September 2, 2015 Comments Off

When teaching through a particular subject, I find that everything suddenly relates to it. One co-worker alleges that I mentioned Dante in every conversation, while I was teaching through the Renaissance recently. I

July 22, 2015 Comments Off

This summer I moved from California to Texas, and before I left, I gave back most my keys to the people who needed them and had right to them: the house key to the

June 17, 2015 Comments Off

The entire education of the younger generation of theologians belongs today in church cloister schools, in which pure doctrine, the Sermon on the Mount and worship are taken seriously (1934, letter to Erwin

May 13, 2015 Comments Off

I’m single, in my thirties, so I think about and study the marriages around me with perhaps more attention than other groups of people would. There was an angry boy in my class

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