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December 21, 2015 Comments Off

By the Rev'd Dr. Derrick Hassert Lex orandi, lex credendi. The law of prayer is the law of belief. This is a hallmark of classical Anglican Christianity. It oftentimes seems that Anglicans cling

September 30, 2015 Comments Off

Scripture puts the “outward, objective, historical view of the Gospel…before every other.” M. F. Sadler, Church Doctrine—Bible Truth Imagine a group of believers coming together to write up the ideal presentation of the

September 16, 2015 Comments Off

In contemporary Christian culture, we hear much talk about having a “personal relationship” with Jesus.  Though not the only way to speak of it, this is a reasonable way to describe the covenant

September 2, 2015 Comments Off

When teaching through a particular subject, I find that everything suddenly relates to it. One co-worker alleges that I mentioned Dante in every conversation, while I was teaching through the Renaissance recently. I

August 19, 2015 Comments Off

When a baby’s physical growth is stunted, it is considered a tragedy. The aim of parenting is not to prolong childhood, but to encourage maturity. Yet parents often make choices that stunt the

June 10, 2015 Comments Off

“Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.” —Traditional Saying Human babies are not like most animals

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