A small part of the St. Andrew’s Academy Choir drove to Bishop, California, last month for a youth choir festival hosted by St. Timothy’s Anglican Church. Choristers from numerous locations, including St. Timothy’s and Bishop high school were in attendance. Other California choristers and whole choirs were there as well. Mrs. Robin Sigarra, of Anglican Church of the Resurrection, San Marcos, brought her youth choir and led many of the rehearsals for all the students. St. Andrew’s Academy Choir sang an evensong at Church of the Resurrection two summers ago, so it was a chance to be reacquainted.
Our very own Father Foos was asked to lead a workshop on plainsong chant. “None of the other choristers had ever seen, much less heard of, plainsong chant,” said Father Foos. “They were all game, however, and listened attentively. They also did a fair job with chanting Psalm 23 for the concert that evening.”
The combined choirs and choristers sang a number of songs at the concert which they had worked up that day. The two complete choirs in attendance also sang pieces from their own repertoires during the concert. Those that were able to stay for Sunday morning (including the St. Andrew’s choristers) sang the music for the Eucharist. The Choir Festival weekend also happened to coincide with the Episcopal visit of Bishop John-David Schofield to St. Timothy’s. It was the first time Father Foos had had the opportunity to meet the Bishop, and the Bishop was pleased to learn of St. Andrew’s Academy. The Bishop was very kind to make a glowing reference to St. Andrew’s Academy two weeks later in his address to his clergy and delegates at their annual diocesan business meeting.
This article was published in the November 2010 edition of The Standard.